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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

English Phrases for Business Telephone Calls

    English Phrases for Business Telephone Calls

Taking a call

When you answer the phone at your job, you’ll want to always greet the caller professionally. Here are two formats you might use to do so.
Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon. [Company name], [your name] speaking, how may I help you?
For example, if your name is Arun and you work at a company called Maxcom India, you might say:
Good morning! Maxcom India, Arun speaking. How may I help you?

This quickly tells the caller who you are, and then lets them explain why they’re calling.
[Company name], [your name] speaking.

This second one is a shorter greeting: Maxcom India, Arun speaking.
You can also use “This is [your name]” as another way to say “[Your name] speaking.”

Making a call

Sometimes you are the one initiating (beginning) a phone call. You may have more time to prepare in this case. You can use one of the formats below for greeting people when you call them:
Hello, this is [your name] from [company name].

For example, if you are Arun and you work at ABC Travels, you might say:
“Hello, this is Arun from ABC Travels.

You may want to include your surname (last name) if you know the caller doesn’t know you very well.
Hi, it’s [your name] from [company name].
You may also say “Hi, it’s Arun Kumar from ABC Travels” to start a phone conversation.

Asking for somebody

It’s important to know exactly who you want to talk to and you can use one of the options below.
May I speak to [person’s name]?

This first phrase is a question, and slightly more polite than the next option. Here’s an example:
May I (please) speak to Mr. Dinesh?
I’d like to speak to [person’s name], please.

For example, “I’d like to speak to Mr. Dinesh, please.”
You may use this one when you’re quite sure the person is available to talk to you.

Giving reasons for calling

At the beginning of the phone conversation it’s best to clarify why you are calling. This helps both speakers talk about what’s relevant.
I’m calling to ask about/discuss/clarify…
I’m calling to ask about your current printing promotion.
I just wanted to ask…
I just wanted to ask if you need any more articles for next month’s magazine.